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Welcome to the 2024 Refuge Outdoor Festival Camp Out! This event centers and uplifts Black, Indigenous, People of Color in the outdoors (white allies are welcomed). Take refuge, and do as much or as little as you would like!
Saturday August 17, 2024 7:45am - 8:45am PDT
Session Capacity: Unlimited

Join us for a rejuvenating 45-minute workshop that explores the grounding practice of yoga in harmony with the natural world. This session is designed to align your physical and spiritual presence with the earth’s energy, fostering a deep sense of connection and tranquility.

**Workshop Outline:**

**Introduction (5 minutes):**
- Welcome participants and introduce the concept of grounding through yoga.
- Brief discussion on the importance of connecting with nature for holistic well-being.

**Grounding Yoga Flow (30 minutes):**
- Begin with grounding into the body through breath, leading to basic grounding poses that everyone can follow, emphasizing stability and connection to the earth.
- Progress to a series of poses that enhance mindfulness and physical grounding, including Tree Pose, Mountain Pose, and seated stretches.
**Interactive Grounding Activity (5 minutes):**
- While still in flow of practice participants will be walked through a short mindfulness exercise, connecting the sensory experience of the surrounding nature with their yoga practice.
- Mindfulness of the natural elements around, like the feel of the grass, the sound of the wind, and the warmth of the sun, will be encouraged throughout.
**Wrap-up and Reflection (5 minutes):**
- Conclude with a short meditation, allowing participants to internalize their experience and set intentions, this is paired with sound bowls to allow the vibration of nature’s natural rhythm to be elevated with white quartz crystal bowls.
-Just before ending, movement is invited back into the body, stirring us back to this realm, bringing us to a space of reflection and gratitude.
- To wrap up we open the floor for participants to share their experiences and reflections on how the session impacted their sense of grounding.

**Materials and Setup:**
- Yoga mats for participants (encouraged to bring their own if possible, I do have 8 extras available).
- Portable speakers for soft, ambient music that complements the natural setting. Can omit if one is provided.
- Sound bowls for the meditation portion.
- 2.5 pH water (Hypochlorous acid/ non caustic form of bleach) to spray on mats before and after yoga to maintain cleanliness of shared mats, 3 bottles.
- Headset for proper voice projection, mine is currently not working and will not be available for this event. Would there be an option to have one provided?

By the end of this workshop, participants will not only feel more grounded and at peace but will also carry with them practical techniques to integrate grounding yoga practices into their daily lives. This session is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their connection with themselves and the natural world around them.
avatar for Samantha “Sage” Lucas

Samantha “Sage” Lucas

Sage Wilde, a passionate advocate for water and holistic health, melds ancient yoga wisdom with innovative wellness techniques to serve diverse communities. With over two decades in yoga and a rich tapestry of cultural experiences as a rainbow child from varied backgrounds, Sage's... Read More →
Saturday August 17, 2024 7:45am - 8:45am PDT

Attendees (3)

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